- This e-appointment system is for booking an appointment for filing the notice of appeal to the Court of Appeal or summons for leave to appeal/extension of time to appeal in civil matters at the Appeals Registry by unrepresented litigants.
- Each time slot is reserved for the filing of one notice of appeal or summons for leave to appeal/extension of time to appeal only.
- Before making an appointment, an appellant is advised to read the leaflet 10 - How to appeal through the following link:
- https://rcul.judiciary.hk/rc/download.jsp?FN=documents/eng/Leaflet_10_Eng.pdf
- To facilitate filing of the notice of appeal or summons, appellant may download the application forms and complete them before the appointment. Forms can be downloaded from the link provided below, or obtained in person at the Resource Centre for Unrepresented Litigants, Room LG105, Lower Ground Floor 1, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong. For further information, please call 2825 4338.
- https://www.judiciary.hk/en/court_services_facilities/hcf_ca.html
- When attending appointment, the appellant should take the completed application form, i.e. either three copies of notice of appeal or two copies of summons accompanied by two sets of application bundle containing the draft grounds of appeal and where appropriate, two copies of affidavit explaining the reasons for any delay in support of an application for extension of time, as well as two sets of written statement (which should not be more than 5 pages on A4 paper (single side only) legibly printed in no less than 14 font size and 1.5 line spacing) as to why leave to appeal should be granted, along with documents as set out below:
- (i) identity card/document; and
- (ii) for filing notice of appeal, a copy of sealed judgment or order and a written reasons for judgment or decision which is appealed/intended to appeal against; or
- (iii) for filing summons for leave to appeal/extension of time to appeal, a written decision for granting/refusing the leave/extension of time to appeal application (if any).
- If the appellant is late for the appointment for 15 minutes or more, he will be regarded as "absent". The appellant has to make another on-line appointment for another day, unless there are remaining quotas for walk-in users on the same day.
- The appellant who makes an appointment via the e-appointment system should be the same person who attends the Appeals Registry to go through the formalities on the appointment day.
- An appellant with an advanced booking please approach to Counter No.2 of the Appeals Registry and present his appointment letter at the counter.
- Please be reminded that an advance appointment does not necessarily guarantee a successful submission of the intended appeal or application. An appeal or application for leave to appeal/extension of time to appeal will only be accepted if all the required forms and documents are ready.
- If the appellant chooses to receive an appointment reminder for a successful appointment, he has to provide his email address. A reminder will then be sent to his email address 3 working days before the appointment date.
- For those appellants who have repeated "absent" records, their further on-line booking may be blocked for a certain period of time.
Note: The Appeals Registry reserves the right to revise the arrangements as set out above and to take proper measures, without further notice, to prevent, stop or otherwise remedy any abusive use of the system.
version as at 4 May 2023